Community Members & Organizations

This referral form is for community members or support organizations to submit a request for MFF to post bail for a detained individual. You can also use this form if you are submitting a request for yourself asking MFF to pay for a warrant.

Please read the information below before submitting a request, and then fill out the form with as much information as possible so we can process the request as soon as possible.


  • If you are submitting a request on your own behalf for MFF to pay for a warrant, please try calling the warrant resolution line in the county it was issued. If you must be booked to resolve it, you will have to meet us at the jail, so please specify a date and time that works for you on the question on the form that asks for any “Special Concerns.” If you have access to a printer, please also fill out this form, sign it at the bottom, and send it to so we can begin to process your request as soon as possible.

  • If you are submitting a request for a client or community member and you are able to meet with them while they are in custody or send mail to them, please have them fill out this form and send it to so we can begin to process the request as soon as possible. We cannot accept forms signed on behalf of the detained individual.

Once you submit a request, we will begin processing the application and will reach out if we can post  the bail. If we cannot assist in bail payment, we will reach out to you by the Friday of the week you submitted.

It may take time before we can post the bail, so please refrain from submitting multiple requests as it can flood our system and make it hard to find necessary information. There is no guarantee that we will be able to post bail for the detained person successfully. Sometimes we run into problems along the way, but we will always try to keep you updated. 

We are not bail bond agents. We will never ask you or the detained person to pay us back. Because of that, we can only pay the amount a judge sets. We cannot pay the 10% amount bail bondsmen quote you. We also do not work with bail bond agents. 

Do not share information that can incriminate you or the person detained. Keep in mind that we are not attorneys. We do not have an attorney/client relationship, so please be mindful when sharing information on the referral.


By clicking "SUBMIT" on the referral, the person you are referring hereby authorizes the release of any bail evaluations performed pertinent information to determine if bail payment is actionable.

Further, the person you are referring orders bail money posted by Minnesota Freedom Fund to secure their release to be returned, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 629.53, to Minnesota Freedom Fund at: Minnesota Freedom Fund PO Box 6398 Minneapolis, MN, 55406-0398.

Additionally, the person you are referring understands that this does not guarantee that the Fund will post their bail. The person you are referring also understands that if the Fund does post bail, the money posted by the Fund will be returned to Minnesota Freedom Fund and not to them.

Additional Resources

Minnesota Freedom Fund's mission focuses on securing people's release from jail and detention centers and advocating for an end to the oppressive money bail system. However, other organizations may be able to meet your needs.  

If you need assistance in a criminal case or expungement:  

  • For Hennepin County

    • Legal Rights Center: Call 612-337-0030 or e-mail

  • For Ramsey, Dakota, Washington

    • Neighborhood Justice Center: Call directly at 651-222-4703 and ask for an intake.

If you need assistance because your rights have been violated:  

You can file an intake with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights or call 1-833-454-0148.

If you would like to file a complaint about the conditions or treatment of someone who is incarcerated or being held in jail: 

File a complaint with the Office of the Ombuds for the state of Minnesota.

  • The Office of the Ombuds for Corrections is separate and independent from the Department of Corrections. 

  • The Ombuds has the authority to take and investigate complaints from or about any Department of Corrections' staff or facility charged with the care and custody of inmates and any regional or local correctional facility licensed by the DOC in Minnesota.